31 Plastic Free Swaps For Plastic Free July

31 Plastic Free Swaps For Plastic Free July

31 Plastic Free Swaps For Plastic Free July

Do you want to challenge yourself and go plastic free this July?

Then this is the list for you!

Instead of setting lofty resolutions at the beginning of this Plastic Free July, look at these 4 specific areas in your zero waste journey so you can make effective and long term change this month!

Millions of people from all around the world took part in Plastics Free July last year, preventing 900 Million kg of plastic waste, and helping to spread awareness to billions of people!

You can take part in the Plastic Free July challenge, you can start small by reducing your plastic use, or go completely plastic free for the whole of July!

To help you out we’ve come up with 4 different areas to focus on (one for each week of July) and some suggestions to get you started.

Start to make small changes today, and by the end of the month it will have become a habit!

Swap cling film for wax wraps

Buy wooden scrubbing brushes over plastic

Make your own cleaning products from natural ingredients

Swap washing up liquid in plastic bottle for a dish soap bar

Swap detergent for soapnuts

Use a zero waste stain remover bar

Meal plan to use leftovers and reduce food waste

Grow your own herbs in your garden, patio or window sill

Use cotton face scrubbies instead of disposable cotton ball or wipes

Buy a cleansing bar to use instead of bottled

Replace bottled shampoo with shampoo bars or cubes

Switch to a metal safety razor

Use conditioner in a glass jar or bar

Buy coral safe suncream in a tin

Have a zero waste period with a mentral cup, reusable cloth pads or period pants

Swap plastic floss for compostable floss

Use a bamboo toothbrush instead of plastic

Use a bar of hand soap instead of bottled

Ditch the cotton buds for bamboo ones (or none!)

Create or buy an ‘on-the-go’ zero waste kit and take it with you

Say no to plastic straws, cutlery and cups

Replace broken plastic lunch boxes with durable metal tins

Take your morning coffee to work in a Reusable Coffee Cup

Ditch plastic bottles and invest in a Stainless Steel Bottle

Bring your own Bamboo Cutlery Set with you - no more plastic forks!

Research bulk or refill stores in your area

Say NO to fast fashion

Buy second hand or high quality clothes that will last

Learn how to sew and fix your clothes

If you don't have an item of clothing, see if you can borrow it from a friend or family member before you look to purchase it!

Go on a buying ban and rediscover items in your wardrobe that you haven't worn in ages

Whatever you do, please remember it’s not about being perfect, not every one of these will work for everyone. Do what you can and make the list your own so that it is suitable for your lifestyle and budget.

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