Do you want to reduce the amount of plastic that you use whilst out and about?
Here is my list of essentials which I bring with me whilst I am out of the house.
It may seem like a lot, however being prepared is a great way to reduce the amount of single use items which you need!
Try adding a few of these items into your every day bag. These won't be necessary for everyone, pick and choose what suits you and your lifestyle.

Glass Coffee Cup
Stainless Steel Water Bottle
Steel Lunchbox
Bamboo Cutlery Set

Everyday Essentials
Refillable Hand Sanitiser
Lip Balm
Natural Sunscreen
Oxo-Biodegradable Dog Poo Bags
Charcoal Bamboo Plasters

Food Shopping
Cotton Produce Bag - Variety Pack of 3
Cotton Produce Bag - Large
Mesh Produce Bag - Medium
Other bits I never leave the house without...
A Reusable Shopping Bag - I have them everywhere so I never forget one - in my car, my handbag, by the door....
Recycled Elastic Hair Ties - I recently learned that you can cut old tights horizontally which will make perfect little hair ties, genius!
Snacks from home - I find one of the biggest ways in which I buy single use packaging is when I get hungry and need a snack. Best thing to do if you are like me is pre-pack snacks from home in metal tins or a reusable bag (or even fruit loose in your bag, it has natural packaging!)
My phone - I always have my phone with me so I can find zero waste shops and ethical cafes nearby
Want more?
Take a look at our 31 Plastic Free Swaps to try in Plastic Free July Blog Post!