Want to reduce plastic in your bathroom but have no idea where to start? 😮
We have you covered! 🙌
Here are our top 5 ways where you can reduce plastic waste in your bathroom - TODAY! 💙
1. Switch PLASTIC for COCONUT!

At Plastics Free, it's no secret that we love Coconuts!
They can be made into so many eco-friendly products, such as body scrubbies and soap rests.
2. Switch BOTTLES for BARS!

Did you know that the average family in the UK uses 216 bottles of hair products a year! On top of that, they use 24 bottles of body wash and 24 tubes of toothpaste!
You can swap loads of your every day essentials for bars, such as Soap, Shampoo and Conditioner. The bonus of bars is that they last way longer than bottles - shampoo bars are estimated to last 2 to 3 times longer than a bottle! And, to top it all off, the packaging is completely biodegradable and recyclable - so they are completely zero waste too!
3. Avoid Hidden Plastic

Did you know that many of the highstreet brands of shampoo, body scrubs and soaps have plastic in them?
These can be in the form of 'microbeads' which are in body scrubs, or silicone in shampoo and conditioners!
Whilst trying to reduce plastic, you will soon begin to realise that a lot of the toiletries that you are used to using have plastic in them, or they come in plastic packaging.
Top tip: to try and go for natural ingredients!
4. Ditch Single Use Razors for a Reusable Razor

Three reasons why safety razors are amazing for the planet (and for you):⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
1) It is estimated that 2 billion plastic razors are thrown away every year! Due to the complex mix of materials (plastic, metals, rubber etc) they are not easily recyclable and hence are usually thrown away. A safety razor handle on the other hand could last you your lifetime, and the razor blades can be recycled! Yay! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
2) As well as being made of plastic do you ever think about how much plastic packaging disposable razors come in? If you order a safety razor from us, there is no extra packaging at all. Much better for the environment in every way!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
3) If you weren’t sold already; they are SO much cheaper in the long run! A safety razor is with 20 blades is £29. Looked after properly your razor should last a lifetime, and the razor blades should each last between 2-4 weeks, so your looking at between 1-2 years worth of hair removal. How much would disposable razors have cost in that time!? There you have it!
5. Make small changes over time - and make them last!

The biggest and most valuable swap which you can make is a switch in your mindset!
If you bought all brand new, sustainable items but didn't incorporate them into your daily routine - this would be wasteful and not sustainable at all!
The best way to go plastic free and stay plastic free, is to reduce your waste over time and incorporate new sustainable habits over time.
Want more?
Take a look at our 31 Plastic Free Swaps to try in Plastic Free July Blog Post!